Expert gps for macintosh
Expert gps for macintosh

expert gps for macintosh expert gps for macintosh

I have heard that sometimes a GPX file will become corrupt, in which case the unit may not read it but BC might. I have all my gpx files installed on a sd card, that way if it happens when I'm out I can remove the card, do a power off/power on cycle and then reinstall the card :) I have heard that sometimes a 'delete GPX files/power off/power on GPS/reload GPX files' can work in circumstances like this, and it worked on the one occasion I experienced with geocaches showing in BC but not on my Etrex 20. Wish you could explain that, might help others in future. Convert GoogleEarth kml files to NAD shp files.Wow.No other application makes it this simple to add your own information to maps and aerial pictures. Whether you are finding a new trail or exploring a 400 acre parcel, ExpertGPS offers you the maps and features you need to get your job done. Disconnect your computer and head out on a trip, and all of your information is ready to use. The application downloads aerial pictures and topo maps for any place in the US, keeping the maps to your hard disk. With ExpertGPS, you will be capable to compute acreage, measure distance, grade and elevation. You can reproject information in any geographic format (UTM, lat-lon, US State Plane) and customize datums rapidly. You will be capable to transform any GIS, GPS, or CAD data to or from GPX, Google Earth KML and KMZ, Excel CSV and TXT, SHP shapefiles, or AutoCAD DXF drawings very easy. The application works with all your mapping and data-conversion jobs. View the GPS tracklog over the aerial picture to see accurately where you went. Schedule your next adventure over scanned USGS maps and send the route straight to the GPS tool to guide you out there.

expert gps for macintosh

See your GPS places and tracklogs from any GPS receiver over aerial pictures and US topographic maps. ExpertGPS is the best GPS map application for planning outdoor adventures.

Expert gps for macintosh